Powering Pipelines with JAXP

Using JAXP to construct pipelines of processing elements is a good idea; it allows complex problems to be decomposed into a number of simpler steps or components. However, in practice the construction of pipelines is often a difficult process for Java programmers.

The Strategy of Building JAXP Pipelines

The JAXP API allows Java programmers easy access to the power and flexibility of XML parsing and filtering and XSLT transformation. However, while many programmers utilise JAXP for simple XML parsing or single-shot XSLT transformation, going further to construct processing pipelines often proves difficult.

Using experience gained assisting and supporting programmers when constructing JAXP pipelines, this paper presents classification schemes, diagrams and tables which try to explain the pipeline construction process.

Download this Conference Paper to:

  • Understand the importance of XML pipelines.
  • Review how DeltaXignia used pipelines to find a better way of displaying changes to SVG files.
  • Understand how different components within pipelines can have major effects to pipeline processing.
  • The issues in pipeline constructions and their solutions.

The core comparison engine is designed to be simple, and rather than add complexity to the core with new features and options we have chosen to provide these in terms of pipeline components.

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