How to represent changes in JSON
The representation of changes in JSON can be achieved through a delta format, which includes the original and new values for describing found diffs.
The representation of changes in JSON can be achieved through a delta format, which includes the original and new values for describing found diffs.
Comparing JSON files involves normalising numbers and strings, handling object properties with unique keys, and more.
Proofreading time and human error reduced.
A new algorithm for JSON array diff handling has been developed, allowing for improved alignment of similar items between arrays.
This post explores integrating XML and JSON aware merge tools into Git’s merge process as merge drivers rather than providing separate merge tools.
DeltaXignia introduces an XSLT-based Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) for pseudo-random bit sequence generation.
DeltaXignia discusses the integration of HTML5 parsing and serialisation into an XML pipeline, utilising the Validator.nu parser and serialiser.
DeltaXignia reviews the evolution of its CMS from Apache Cocoon and DaisyCMS to NetKernel (NK) and a Mercurial-based approach.