Plug in to Content Compare

The latest version of Content Compare offers support for editors like Framemaker and Arbortext and introduces improved handling of metadata within documents.

XML Compare 14.0 makes HTML table comparison effortless

DeltaXignia has released XML Compare Version 14, featuring significant improvements in HTML table diffs.

Time for REST (API) with DITA Compare

DITA Compare, a long-standing solution for managing DITA documents, is introducing a new REST API in its latest version, 11.0.

XML Compare V13 brings improved SVG functionality

XML Compare V13 introduces enhanced SVG functionality, marking a departure from treating SVG images as regular XML.

The new member of your publishing team: Content Compare XSL-FO

Content Compare XSL-FO offers a sophisticated solution for comparing XSL-FO.

Introducing Content Compare JATS, BITS and NISO-STS

Content Compare JATS, BITS, and NISO-STS offers a straightforward solution for comparing files by focusing solely on content changes.

Representing change in DITA and DocBook CALS tables

DeltaXignia introduces enhanced versions of their DITA and DocBook comparison software, featuring handling of CALS tables.

Finding change between CALS tables has never been so easy. XML Compare v12 is here!

XML Compare 12.0 features significant improvements in CALS table handling.

A CALS Table Viewer for Visual Studio Code

The CALS Table Viewer is an open-source Visual Studio Code extension developed to address the need for rendering XML files.

Improving the ability to customise MyDelta

MyDelta enhances user experience by allowing customisation of date and time formats, ensuring clarity and familiarity across regions.

Comparison analysis and opportunities for future improvements

Through developer-driven ideas and ‘free’ sprints explore generating change reports.

Up to 15% faster DocBook Compare

DocBook Compare now offers up to 15% faster comparison times without compromising accuracy, benefiting users with reduced resource usage.