XML and JSON: horses for courses or a one-horse race?

The choice between XML and JSON depends on the needs of a project, XML offers structured semantics while JSON provides ease of use.

Thoughts on XML Summer School 2018

CEO Robin La Fontaine reflects on his experience at XML Summer School 2018, such as the intricacies of XML-to-JSON conversion.

How Human Errors Are Costing Companies Big

In a world driven by technology, the smallest human error can cost companies millions, even the biggest companies like that of AWS.

XML: The What, Why, Where and Hows Explained by a Newbie

From its components to rules and content models, this newbie-friendly guide demystifies XML.

XML In Smart Cities? Really? How?

Bluestream Database Software Corp and DeltaXignia join forces to elevate release management in the technical documentation space.