Divide and Conquer: Can We Handle Complex Markup Simply?

This paper describes how a divide-and-conquer approach might be used to handle the complex markup structure that results from recording multiple variants of an historical document in a single XML document.

Respecting cultural heritage to represent change

Cultural Heritage markup can quickly become complex because of the need to represent multiple, and even overlapping, hierarchical structures. It can therefore become very difficult to maintain correctly.

This talk suggests that a better approach is now possible: markup that is designed to represent different aspects of a text could be handled separately from the point of view of checking and maintenance, and then only combined into a single document when needed, e.g. for some kind of analysis. Advances in comparison and merge tools for XML make this a possibility.

Read this conference paper to:

  • Learn how to handle change throughout multiple versions of a document.
  • Understand how XML comparison tools can help to find change within cultural heritage markup.
  • Understand how XML merging tools can help re-combine change within cultural heritage markup.

One of the advantages of this approach would be that we would not need to keep all the variants together in a single document all the time, but rather we would combine only those variants that were relevant to a particular publishing scenario.

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