Flawless XML Change Management

A new best practice within the top business markets. This paper illustrates why in today’s economy you must oversee your document and data file management and change systems to continue the success of your company.

The business case for a new best practice for managing documents and files

In today’s knowledge economy, flawless handling of significant documents and files is essential to the speed, cost, and reliability that drive business success. Many files representing mission critical information are structured and stored in XML. What many companies don’t know is that there is a way to manage these files with confidence through all of the changes, merges, and creation and updates of dependent documents.

Download this industry paper to:

  • Understand the significance of managing your changing documents with precision.
  • Learn the role XML plays in helping to create best practice automated solutions.
  • Review popular and important use cases that benefit from XML-aware comparison tools, such as managing documentation of regulated products and systems

Flawless XML Change Management

Industry Paper

This paper describes the business case for a new best practice for managing documents and files.

Open PDF

Before the introduction of DeltaXignia, inspection and validation of completed work was based on a) the revised version of the document, and b) knowledge of the expected changes. We are now able to present a ‘Before and After’ view of the modified document that clarifies the nature and location of the changes, thus increasing the reliability and completeness of the inspection process.

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