XML Change Tracking

This technical paper was written in response to the wider interest in the proposal for OpenDocument change tracking. It focuses on the use for general XML change tracking and how changes may be represented in XML markup or in Processing Instructions.

Easy to find, easy to understand

This document describes a generic method for tracking changes in XML documents. The format described provides a way of representing successive changes or edits to an XML document, typically in one or more editing sessions. The document describes how changes may be represented in XML markup or in Processing Instructions. The tracked changes are designed to be used either as an independent addition to a file or integrated into the applicable schema.

Read this technical paper to:

  • Review how change can be found and represented within XML documents.
  • Understand how change is marked up in regard to XML attributes and elements.
  • Review how changes can be represented when content is removed or added.

The lack of a standard means that documents with changes tracked cannot be moved between XML editors.

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